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From the Ancient to the New Mysteries

Human beings today experience a separation between art, religion and science. This separation goes back to the prehistory of humanity, in the difference between Cain and Abel.

In fact, it was the Expulsion from Paradise of Adam and Eve that made worship necessary and thus caused the separation between religion, art and science, which had been preserved as one in the Ancient Mysteries.

Cain, the solar human being, capable of germinating the Earth. He was indeed the son of the  Elohim and Eve, Mother Earth. Cain's current introduced the manipulation of matter according to Science and Art into human evolution: thus, he represents the descending magical-occult current. Abel, the lunar human being, on the other hand introduced Religion, in that he merely was devoted toward creation and offered the gifts already created: he represents the ascending mystical current.

Cain is the one who partakes of the juice of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and from whom the Fire lineage descends; while the juice of the Fruit of the Tree of Life is associated with Abel and the Water lineage that descends from him. Cain will kill Abel as a consequence of Adam and Eve giving in early to the original impulse to Knowledge, that is, to the influence of Lucifer, the outer light, thus separating themselves from the Divine Life of the Earthly Paradise, the inner light, which was obscured to their inner vision.

Abel unlike Cain was in fact an entirely earthly man, having been born from the union of Adam and Eve when they had already divided. Jehovah, a lunar spirit, therefore recognized Abel's animal sacrifice and rejected Cain's plant sacrifice. Cain was indeed in communication with the Christ, but his sacrifice anticipated the evolution that in that Age, Lemuria, was under the auspices of Jehovah, the Eloah or Planetary Moon Spirit. So the slaying of his brother caused the ahrimanic forces of death to penetrate evolution and, together with the Fall that allowed the entry of the luciferic egoistic forces, was the reason why the Christ chose to descend to Earth. Seth was given by Jehovah as a substitute for Abel, yet he is somehow the bearer of a balancing impulse between Abel and Cain: in the Golden Legend, Seth because he was willed by the ruling spirit Jehovah, was able to return to the Earthly Paradise to witness how the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, i.e., the pillars of the Boaz and Jakin Temple, had merged into one tree, which we might call "the Tree of the Knowledge of Life."

From this which he took three seeds which he planted on Adam's tomb. The seeds sprouted into a tree that signified the words "Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh" that is, "I Am the I Am," and it is from the wood of this tree that the stirrup of Moses was made, the beams of Solomon's temple and finally the wood of the True Cross of Christ. For this Christ will come to act as the archivolt that unites the Column of Force with the Column of Form in earthly evolution, and so the same is true for every solar initiate. From now on in human evolution it will be possible to reunite what has been separating, namely, the renewed union of art, science and religion in the New Mysteries of Christ.

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